Many different plans help to avoid breaking and entering, and one of these is alarm verification in Irving. The best way to use this technology is to verify these incidents, which can be done with this technology. So how does it work, and why should your business use it?
How Alarm Verification Technology Works
Verification for alarms occurs when a central station operator can determine people present in a building. Typically this must also accompany the probability of a crime in progress.
This technology is extremely crucial when it comes to keeping your business safe. Using both video and audio technologies, not only can you stop crimes before they happen, but you can also work to report them more effectively. This process can lead to a priority dispatch of authorities on a crime. It has helped in over 180,000 apprehensions and is essential for business safety.
Benefits of Audio and Video Verification
Integrating verifications for audio, video, and alarm can provide even more benefits. You can keep both your business and staff away from harm with the following benefits:
Better Usage of Police Resources
Over 98% of alarms are false. This has led to the need for verification before sending an officer your way. You must have this verification to avoid fines or no dispatch at all.
Priority Police Response
When you eliminate the need for verification after your car, the police will be on the scene much quicker. This can go down from 45 minutes to 10-15.
Decreased Business Losses
Apprehension rates for traditional alarms are very low. By using alarm verification, there will be a higher priority and enhance the speed of apprehension. Thus, decreasing your business losses.
Contact us today to get started with your alarm verification in Irving. Call Empire Technologies at (469) 410-7880.