If you have a busy office, call center, or data center, and need a specialized type of technology services, sometimes it can be tough to find a great provider. Part of the problem is, you may be able to find a provider, but you can’t find one that can give you everything you need from one location, So, you end up with many different bills from many various providers, and it can get confusing. Wouldn’t it be great if you had all of the tech services you needed to be bundled from one place? It can be entirely possible. If you’ve been searching for telecom and data center solutions in Westover Hills TX, look to Empire Technologies to meet all of your needs – not just one.
Here at Empire, we specialize in communications – not just one sector – so we can ensure that all of your needs are met. This means that if you’re a busy call center who’s tired of paying ghastly long-distance bills, we can outfit you with VoIP, which travels over your data lines. Similarly, if your networking is from the dark ages and you need a complete reboot from the basement up, we can handle that. If your entire building could use a reboot, we can provide low voltage wiring to help save you on your energy bill as well.
If you’re experiencing growth but are unsure where to store your data and need someone who can provide a cloud and cloud software and computing, we can also help with that. We can craft a bundle to expressly meet your needs. To learn more about telecom and data center solutions in Westover Hills TX, contact Empire Technologies today at (469) 410-7880 to speak to a member of our staff to set up a consultation.