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What Would Your Business World Be Like Without a Security Systems Contractor in Eastvale?

Security systems contractors are an important resource for any business. This is because having a functional and up-to-date, robust security system is important to protect your business. And without your business, you wouldn’t be able to put food on the table. But have you ever thought about what your world would be like with a security systems contractor in Eastvale?

Here are some things that could possibly go wrong if you didn’t have a security systems contractor by your side:

  • Who would you call in the event your security system goes down or requires troubleshooting?
  • Who would you call for future equipment updates and upgrades?
  • Your business would refer back to the days when it relied on a lock and key for every employee.
  • Your business would be considered “unsecure” and you might end up paying more money for insurance.
  • You would be spending more time and money hiring security personnel rather than one easy system that does it all.

What Would Your Business World Be Like Without a Security Systems Contractor in Eastvale?These are just a few points to consider if you were to think about your business before it needed a security system. Of course, you could always just call another service technician or contractor to help you with your security system, but there is a great deal of risk associated with this move, too. Hiring someone you know and trust is a huge concern in the world of business property security.

At Empire Technologies, we have helped businesses throughout the Eastvale community and surrounding areas with their business security systems. And, we can help you with yours, too. Don’t waste time thinking about what your business world would be like without a security systems contractor in Eastvale. Call Empire Technologies today at (909)321-2570 .

3 Common Mistakes that IT Departments Make When Relocating a Business

Relocating a business is quite complex when considering how to restructure the IT system. Below is a list of 3 common mistakes that are made by IT professionals that should be avoided if possible:

3 Common Mistakes that IT Departments Make When Relocating a Business

  1. Do Not Assume Liability for Carrier Services Delivery and Logistics.

What is important to remember is that carriers such as AT&T and Verizon never follow their schedule installation times. They come and go as they please, make critical errors in order details, and never have a reliable schedule. As a result of this, an IT professional who makes unrealistic promises based on the schedules of these companies is making their professional reputation look flawed. Thus, it is recommended to not take the responsibility for the service coordination. It is best to outsource this to a third party that can rely on.

  1. Do Not Be Afraid to Tell Your Staff to Expect Some Downtime

What senior management has to realize is that in order for an IT system to be implemented properly, there is going to have to be some downtime and the results will not be immediate. To avoid conflict, tell the staff your scheduled downtimes even if you plan on keeping the system running. This will allow you to have less complaints and miscommunications.

  1. Take the Necessary Time to Properly Plan the Project

Relocations can be rushed at times. Many mistakes occur when there is a lack of planning between the IT department and the senior management team. Usually it is best to discuss the following: new floor plan, complete list of employees and work stations, system backups that are required, server capacities for adding new personnel, necessary upgrades, the requirements of the new software, network switch capabilities, and relocation timeline.

Having a team that guides your IT department and senior management team is a major asset. At Empire Technologies, we specialize in this process and can be a great asset to implement our location in the most effective way possible.  For more information or to schedule a free quote, give us a call today at (909)321-2570

3 Fatal Mistakes We See IT guys Make when Relocating a Business


We wanted to share with you the three most common mistakes we see IT guys make when relocating companies.

1. Don’t Take Responsibility for Carrier Services Delivery and Coordination

As we’re sure you are aware, carriers like AT&T and Verizon always take longer than expected to install service. They do not provide accurate timelines, they tend to screw up on order details and their install technicians tend to show up unannounced. Many times we see that it falls on the IT guy to coordinate the service delivery and when things go wrong everyone tends to blame the IT guy.

Here is what we recommend.

Don’t take responsibility for the service coordination. Refer the business to a third party you trust. We use www.telecomquotes.com.  Make everyone aware at the very beginning of the potential problems that carriers have. Someone must stay in regular communication with the carrier to make sure the service delivery is on schedule.

Another important note here. If possible do not get involved with phone or fax number porting and installation. Too often this becomes a mess and its better left to the phone vendor. You can always call empiretechs.com to help with that.

2. Tell Everyone to Expect some Downtime

Many times we see that Management somehow expects their systems to stay up and running during a move and in some cases they pressure the IT guy to pull this off. Even though it can be feasible to keep things running there are usually some hiccups with actually pulling it off and when things go wrong its the IT guy again that takes the blame of course.

Here is what we recommend.

Even if you have a plan on keeping all or some systems running, let everyone know to expect some sort of downtime throughout the move. Explain that you are doing everything you can to minimize the down time and give them a realistic time frame for resolutions. Make sure you communicate this to everyone in the organization to protect your rep.

3. Take Time to Plan the Project

Most of the problems that arise during a relocation are due to bad or no planning. Even the smallest projects can become complex and require someone to plan things. The relocation usually has to do with growth or expansion which can put new stress on the IT systems. Its important that there are several discussions at the beginning and closer to the move date with the organization on what, when, why, how, and where.

Here are some items that should be thought about and in most cases are essential to have:

  • New Floor Plan showing where everyone will be located
  • Complete list of new employees or workstations
  • System Backups to be done
  • Server Capacities for adding new employees
  • Possible Upgrades
  • New Software requirements
  • Network Switch Capacities
  • Relocation Timeline

Finally having the right team of people and partners in place to guide and perform is critical to any projects success.


Keyless Entry Security System Installation Service Repair in Victorville

Every business today needs a functional security system. Today, security systems are also available as a keyless entry system, which means no more keys, no more hassle, and no more security risks. With a keyless entry system installed in your business, you take security matters into your own hands, gain more control, and even save money. Empire Technologies should be your first phone call for Keyless Entry Security System Installation Service Repair in Victorville.

 Keyless Entry Security System Installation Service Repair in Victorville

So how does a keyless entry system actually work? And how do you know it will work for your business? If you have an office or other retail location, then you should have a security system to protect your inventory, your staff, and your other assets. Today, keyless entry systems are also a great form of security system that are easy to set up, easy to install, and easy to call for service should you need it.

At Empire Technologies, we have the necessary tools, resources, experience, and professionalism to install a keyless entry security system in your business. We’ve worked with hundreds of businesses of all shapes, sizes, and industries with their security systems, and we can help you with yours, too! We’ve installed various security systems, including:

  • Security cameras
  • Access control panels
  • Burglar alarm systems
  • Construction site security cameras
  • Intelligent video security camera systems
  • Perimeter intrusion detection systems
  • Keyless entry security systems

Empire Technologies has the necessary tools, equipment, and resources that your business needs. Our professional team is proud to serve our clients—businesses, just like us—with their technical needs, including commercial and industrial keyless entry systems.

For more detailed information on how Empire Technologies can help you and your business with your keyless entry security system, call our team today for a free quote. We will be more than happy to visit your location and offer our expertise and solutions that are right for you and your business.

Call Empire Technologies today at (909)321-2570 for Keyless Entry Security System Installation Service Repair in Victorville.

Industrial CCTV Camera Installation Service & Repair in Victorville

Security should be the primary concern and priority for every business—especially for businesses that have a good deal of inventory, equipment, or other infrastructure. But implementing or installing business security measures or systems doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. By working with a reputable team of service technicians, Empire Technologies for Industrial CCTV Camera Installation Service & Repair in Victorville.

Industrial CCTV Camera Installation Service & Repair in Victorville

 Does My Business Really Need an Industrial CCTV Camera System?

 The most obvious answer to this question is YES. You can’t take business security too seriously today. In fact, business security should be the number one priority for every business. Read on to learn just some of the key benefits to an industrial CCTV camera system…

  • Businesses can monitor staff members
  • Hold employees accountable
  • Monitor activities taking place on the premises in real time
  • Save time and money on employing security staff
  • Keep equipment, resources, and inventory safe and secure
  • Record security events that take place

Working with Empire Technologies to Make That Happen…

 These are just some of the benefits to installing a robust and top-of-the-line industrial CCTV camera system. Your business’ equipment is too important to your daily functions and operations to risk theft or vandalism. Rest assured that by working with Empire Technologies your business’ property and equipment will stay safe.

Empire Technologies goes above and beyond to provide businesses with the best possible security solutions that offer their businesses with the best protection. We work to learn each client’s needs and build an industrial CCTV camera system accordingly.

If you are interested in learning more about protecting your business or industrial machinery and/or equipment, call the expert technical service and repair team at Empire Technologies today at (909)321-2570. Talk to us today about Industrial CCTV Camera Installation Service & Repair in Victorville.

Commercial CCTV Camera Installation Service & Repair in Chino

Security is incredibly important for both individuals and businesses today. By working with various security systems and cameras, it’s easier than ever to boost security on any type of business premises or property. In additional, by choosing to work with Empire Technologies, we can ensure that your business sees the best possible security system solutions. Find out more about commercial CCTV camera installation, service, and repair in Chino.

commercial CCTV camera installation, service, and repair in Chino

What are the Benefits Behind Commercial CCTV Camera Installations and Services?

Businesses are interested in their bottom lines. Therefore, it’s important for businesses to see and understand the benefits of any type of service or installation upfront. CCTV camera systems, also known as “closed circuit” camera systems, enable businesses to monitor the activities taking place on a particular property and even the personnel entering and exiting the premises.

Empire Technologies Has Your Solutions

By working with an expert technical team, businesses can have their new commercial CCTV camera installation and service installed and up and running in no time. There is little “down” time during the installation of a commercial CCTV camera system. This is because the team at Empire Technologies is skilled and experienced to set up a commercial CCTV camera system efficiently…and on the first try.

If you run a business and you are unsure of which commercial CCTV camera system will be best for you, then call the expert technical team at Empire Technologies today. We will listen to your security goals and then discuss the features and benefits that we think will work best for you.

Even if you are moving locations and need to move your commercial CCTV camera system to a new office or building, Empire Technologies can help. Find out why hundreds of clients and businesses of all shapes and sizes depend on Empire Technologies for topnotch and quality service, installation, and repair.

Call our expert team at Empire Technologies today at (909)321-2570 for commercial CCTV camera installation, service, and repair in Chino.

Business CCTV Camera Installation, Service & Repair in Hemet

By working with a range of systems and cameras, businesses can stay secure 24/7. By working with a reputable expert technical team, Empire Technologies can work with businesses to ensure business CCTV camera installation, service, and repair in Hemet.

Business CCTV Camera Installation, Service & Repair in Hemet

What is the Benefit of Business CCTV Camera Installations?

CCTV camera systems, also referred to as “closed circuit” camera systems, enable businesses to watch and monitor what is happening in and around a particular property or premises on a “private” channel.

By installing a robust security camera system, businesses can monitor, record, and keep their buildings, property, and equipment secure, and even watch trespassers and employees come and go on any given day or time.

Working with an Expert Technical Team

By working with an expert technical team, businesses can rest assured that their business CCTV camera installation and service is installed and functioning properly at all times. Empire Technologies goes above and beyond to provide businesses with the best possible security camera solutions to ensure the privacy and protection of their businesses and staff.

Empire Technologies has the necessary experience, resources, and equipment to assist businesses with their CCTV camera installation, service, and repair in Hemet. We also have the necessary experience to relocate already installed CCTV security cameras.

Regardless of whether you are moving locations or you are interested in a new installation, or just need some basic service and maintenance, count on Empire Technologies. Call the expert team of technicians at Empire Technologies today at (909)321-2570 for business CCTV camera installation, service, and repair in Hemet and find out how we offer the best service and solutions for your business.

How Can a Security Systems Contractor in Inland Empire Help My Business?

If you own or operate a business today, then you know that the world of business—especially online business—is treacherous and can even be dangerous. From equipment theft to identity theft to data breaches—is any business safe anymore? You can be safe again by offering your organization the protection it needs and deserves by hiring a security systems contractor in Inland Empire.

Security Systems Contractor in Inland Empire

Empire Technologies, the leading company in business communications and security systems in the industry, can help businesses of all shapes and sizes with their security systems.

How can a security system help your business? Here are just a few benefits:

  • Protect staff and equipment
  • Hold staff members accountable
  • Monitor who enters and exists the premises
  • Monitor peak travel times
  • Monitor premises surroundings during on and off hours
  • Save a business time and money from hiring security staff

Of course, there are many more benefits to using a security system for your business. By working with a reputable security systems contractor in Inland Empire you can learn about all the benefits and even work with a reputable team to determine which system and which features will work best for your business and for your budget.

As a business owner or executive, you should never compromise the safety of your business’ data, equipment, staff, or any other infrastructure. Safety should be your number one priority. At Empire Technologies we also make the safety of your business our number one priority because our clients’ goals are also our goals, which is just one reason why we come highly recommended to businesses throughout the Inland Empire area.

For more information on how Empire Technologies can help your business install a security system, contact a reputable and professional contractor. We only work with the best of the best, so call us today to find out how. Call us today at (909)321-2570 for a security systems contractor in Inland Empire.

How Your Business Can Benefit from Commercial Building CAT 5 Cabling Installation in Perris

Can your business survive without a wireless network today? Probably not…unless your business is stuck in the Stone Age. It goes without saying that wireless networking is a crucial element in business functions and operations, especially as technology continues to improve and advance…and as we enter 2016. If it’s time to get your business set up with wireless networking, then contact the pros at Empire Technologies today for commercial building CAT 5 cabling installation in Perris.

Commercial Building CAT 5 Cabling Installation in Perris


Who is Empire Technologies?

The expert installation tech team at Empire Technologies is experienced in installing wireless access across numerous locations in an office and separate and satellite offices. Empire Technologies can also assist businesses with relocation. At Empire Technologies, you not only get stellar delivery and satisfied customers, you also get custom solutions that are proven to work. This means one less thing to worry about…

Empire Technologies also takes the time to test all cabling and network installations before leaving your office or location. We understand that there is nothing more frustrating than having a team come to your office, go through the installation process, and then walk out the door before making sure the network works! In the event that your network goes out after we leave and completed our testing, Empire Technologies offers ongoing support for all clients.

The team at Empire Technologies is experienced in setting up the following applications:

  • Wireless Access Point (WAP)
  • Installation and Programming
  • VoIP Applications
  • Warehouse management Systems (WMS)
  • Outdoor Solutions
  • Long Range

Empire Technologies also offers warranties on any equipment that is installed in your office.

To learn more about how Empire Technologies can help your business with wireless networking, then contact us today to talk to us about our solutions.

Call Empire Technologies anytime at (909)321-2570 for commercial building CAT 5 cabling installation in Perris.

3 Reasons Why a Business Phone System Service in Moreno Valley is a Must-Have

Every business needs a communication solution. In fact, businesses can’t survive in today’s day and age without a robust, solid communication system. A communications system can range from a business phone system to VOIP capabilities. While all this sounds complicated, a business phone system service in Moreno Valley can be set up in no time with Empire Technologies.

Business Phone System Service in Moreno Valley

Empire Technologies has decades of experience installing business phone systems for businesses of all shapes, sizes, industries, and walks of life in the XX area. As technology has shifted, grown, improved, and changed, so have we. We pride ourselves in having the most diligent, knowledgeable, experienced, and professional team around. This is part of the Empire guarantee.

A professional business phone system should have a number of features and capabilities—not to make functions and operations more complicated, but to make your life as a business owner, manager or executive easier.

Here are three key features a professional business phone system service should have:

  1. Conference call capabilities – Every business needs to get on a conference call from time to time, so your business should have those functions. Look professional and be available by setting up a conference line as a part of your business phone system service.
  2. Head sets – It’s all in your head, right? Well, it can If you or your staff spend a great deal of time on the phone providing customer support or talking with clients, then a head set might be the way to go. A head set is a very popular feature in a business phone system service today.
  3. Call forwarding – No time to take that call? Need to forward it to someone who does? Then this is a good reason why your business phone system service should have call forwarding features. Make sure in your business, NO call is dropped…

For more information on installing a business phone system service in your business, contact the technical experts at Empire Technologies. Call us today at (909)321-2570 for a business Phone System Service in Moreno Valley.

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